Islamic Call to Prayer in Government of Scotland

Could you imagine the newly elected Australian Prime Minister tweeting a video on Good Friday  which showed the Islamic call to prayer being held in Government house?   How would you feel?   This is what happened in Scotland this Easter.    The Scottish First Minister tweeted a boast about how the first Islamic call to prayer was done in Bute House (the government house) in Scotland.

 Last year, at the same time, just after his election, he tweeted a photo of him and his all-male relatives, praying in the same building.  What does it matter and why is it significant?  What lessons, if any, are there to be learned for the Church in Australia?    I think it is – and many others seem to agree – as evidenced by the almost 800,000 who read my tweet reporting on this extraordinary event.

To get the background to this you need to read about Islamism in Britain –

And about the new hate crime legislation in Scotland.

What is the issue here?  Surely this is about freedom of religion and religious tolerance?  The problem is that the Islamic call to prayer is fundamentally intolerant.  It says that there is no God but Allah and Muhammed is his prophet.  All those who do not agree are excluded.  No Christian would accept that the Islamic version of God is correct.  We believe in the Trinity, which Muslims regard as blasphemous – and we believe that Jesus Christ is God – again that is anathema to Muslims. 

Some will argue that this was an ‘interfaith event’ because people from different faiths were invited to observe this historic occasion.  More fool them.  The Islamic call to prayer specifically excludes their faiths.   That may be logical and fair enough – but you cannot claim, as Humza Yousaf did, that on the one hand you are celebrating ‘interfaith’ whilst at the same time tweeting a message which deliberately negates that!

The irony is that he tweeted his inflammatory message on Good Friday.  We have to assume that the First Minister was not ignorant of what that meant.  It would be equivalent to a significant politician tweeting in Saudi Arabia that Muhammed was not a prophet at Ramadan!   As someone observed, it was as though Satan was trolling!  Which given that the devil is the father of lies, is not an unreasonable assumption.  If he could use Peter to attack Christ, he can also use  a minor politician!

Humza Yousaf then issued a meaningless message about how he appreciated Christians doing social work (ie. his job) – an Easter message which did not mention Christ at all.   But once again some Christian leaders were fooled – they took the patronising waffle as some kind of affirmation – and didn’t seem to notice the lack of mention about Christ.  Nor did they seem aware of the significance of the Muslim call to prayer taking place in Bute House. 

Where is the modern Jenny Geddes?  She is a woman famous for throwing her three-legged stool at the minister’s head in St Giles Cathedral on the 23rd of July 1637.  What had he done?  She yelled as she threw it “The devil give you colic!  The belly of you!  False thief! You dare say the Mass in my ear?”.   Whether she said it or not – she is credited with starting a revolution that transformed Scotland – she is honoured in St Giles for doing so.  One can only speculate what she would have said about the Islamic call to prayer.  Not that we would recommend stool throwing, of any kind.  Not least because such expressions of disagreement are about to be outlawed in Scotland on April 1st.  From that day, those who disagree with Islam could find themselves in court, accused of hate crime.  (Please note that this is not an April Fool – this is the Orwellian reality of modern Scotland).

This was not the first time that the First Minister has boasted about Islam taking over in Scotland.   A year ago, he tweeted a photo after his election by party members, of himself and his male family members praying in Bute House.  Given that he had only won this election because the progressives within the SNP progressives were horrified about the possibility that a Bible-believing Christian, Kate Forbes, might win, it is beyond ironic that such religious displays are being celebrated. 

One can only imagine the furore if Kate Forbes had been elected and tweeted photos of a Christian prayer meeting being held in Bute House!  Of course she would never have done that.  If she had done so, then  the progressives would have shrieked about the coming theocracy.  But Islam, which actually does believe in theocracy, unlike Christianity, gets a free pass.  As the old proverb says, ‘those whom the gods wish to destroy, they first make mad.’   If you doubt this could happen in Australia think of how Dan Andrews gave $8.4 million to ‘support Victoria’s Islamic communities’ –

whilst at the same time threatening to prosecute Christians who actually believe and practise the Bible!  You can be prosecuted for misgendering someone, but it is not a crime if a Muslim cleric urges people to spit on the Jews so that they drown.

Meanwhile this Easter in the US and elsewhere, the Trans activists got to promote their ideology on Christianity’s prime day, when the supposedly Catholic President Biden celebrated Easter Sunday by issuing a proclamation announcing Transgender Visibility day.

All of this is incredibly revealing – and depressing. As Scotland, the UK and the USA, or at least their governing elites, have rejected Christianity – they are replacing it not with a liberal secular Nirvana, but rather with Islam and ‘Progressive’ ideologies. It’s a stark warning to Australia.  Do we have to go this way?  Or can we be pulled back from the brink?  

As a Scot in exile, I weep for Scotland, but I don’t despair.  I fear for Australia, but I don’t despair.    The one who is Lord of Lords and King of Kings rose on Easter Sunday.  He lives forever.   The nations are to Him as a drop in the bucket.  All the religious and political leaders of this world die – Christ alone lives forever.  And because he lives, we also shall live.  We proclaim Him…. the rest is just meaningless.

David Robertson