Evil has a way of begetting evil and gaining momentum (Prov.11:27). Once the door for euthanasia was opened, ‘bracket creep’ was inevitable.

In 2017, the director of a Dutch facility that specialises in euthanasia said: “If there was any taboo, it has gone. There is a generation coming up, the postwar generation, which is now coming to the life stage in which they will die, and this generation has a far clearer and expressed opinion about how to shape their own life end. I expect far more growth in the years to come.”

Every state in Australia now has voluntary assisted dying (VAD) laws and there are reports that next month (May 2023) a Federal Court judge will rule on allowing telehealth consultations between a doctor and patient about VAD.

In addition, Marshall Perron, former chief minister of the Northern Territory, is pushing for the ACT to allow people with non-terminal conditions and under-18s to access VAD.

As someone commented: “it seems that I’d be eligible. I’m 29 with cerebral palsy and epilepsy, both of which are incurable but not terminal. My anticonvulsants and physiotherapy aren’t exactly cheap… At what point will the government and society say we’re better off dead? At what level of severity of these conditions do we judge life not worth living?”

Disability advocacy groups are consistently opposed to euthanasia and understandably so. How much more so the expansion of such laws. In addition, in 2018, Pat Dodson told the Senate, “Where First Nations people are already overrepresented at every stage of our health system, it is irresponsible to vote in favour of another avenue to death. Paving the way for euthanasia and assisted suicide leaves First Nations people even more vulnerable, when our focus should be on working collectively to create laws that help prolong life and restore their right to enjoy a healthy life.”

I wonder whether our lawmakers and judges can see that it will be the most vulnerable in society – those lonely and with little support – who will face the greatest pressure with these expanding euthanasia laws?

A Christian looks to God, even on the most painful and humiliating of days. Hasn’t He proven that He is greater than our burdens?

We insist that there nothing shameful about being dependent upon others. In fact, we sing, “let me be as Christ to you.”

May God protect the vulnerable who will be put at further risk by expanding euthanasia laws. May God frustrate evil. May He give us clear a vision of life precious in His sight and a desire to care for all until life’s natural end.

– Graham Barnes