Daniel 2:47  The king [Nebuchadnezzar] said to Daniel, “Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery [of his dream].”

It is interesting that, humanly speaking, the thing that convinced the all-powerful ruler over all the nations, Nebuchadnezzar (cf vv.37-38), that Daniel’s God was most certainly a ‘God of gods and Lord of kings’ (which is probably the closest he could come to admitting that the LORD is, in fact, THE ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD), was that he was the ‘revealer of mysteries’.  We should all take heart from this as we face the difficult task of evangelism in our own culture that shows little to no interest in our life-giving message.

God has revealed the mystery of life in his Son, and the Apostle Paul’s prayer for the Christians in Colosse and Laodicea as they set about evangelising their culture, was “that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” (Colossians 2:2-3).  Our society generally has a seemingly  impenetrable self-sufficient mind-set like Nebuchadnezzar’s, and it is easy for us to think that we can never make any headway with the message of the Gospel of Christ no matter how wonderful it is.

But let us remember the claim Paul made about the Gospel, that “it is the POWER of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile.” (Romans 1:16).  The coming of Christ into our world to live and die and rise again is God’s ultimate revelation of ‘mystery’ – the Greek word doesn’t mean something that cannot be understood, which is the way we tend to use it today. but something that had previously been hidden, but is now fully revealed and can be known.

With all this in mind, let us be more pro-active in pointing people to JESUS the Saviour and expecting them to respond as Nebuchadnezzar did!
– Bruce Christian