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Taliban searches for Bible on phones

A media ministry in the Middle East is helping isolated Christians in Afghanistan, as the resurgent Taliban go door-to-door, executing believers who refuse to renounce their faith.

Taliban militants are even pulling people off public transport and killing them on the spot if they’re Christians or considered ethnically “un-pure,” according to shocking reports from Middle East media ministry SAT-7 (

“We’re hearing from reliable sources that the Taliban demand people’s phones, and if they find a downloaded Bible on your device, they will kill you immediately,” said SAT-7 North America President, Dr Rex Rogers. “It’s incredibly dangerous right now for Afghans to have anything Christian on their phones. The Taliban have spies and informants everywhere.”

“Because it’s so dangerous to seek the company of other Christians, many Afghan believers are totally alone, with not even one other Christian with whom to talk,” Rogers said. “Our local director told me: ‘Most dare not attend a house church. They’re alone, fearful, and looking to us. We’re their last resort’.”

SAT-7 PARS live satellite television broadcasts in Farsi — understood by most Afghans — and the local Dari language can reach homes across the entire country uncensored, delivering the only source of hope for thousands of isolated Afghan Christians living in terror.

The channel’s social media and live-chat platforms have experienced a huge surge in the number of Afghans posting messages and calling the ministry’s viewer counselling line, desperate for encouragement and hope. The channel expects a 50% increase in contacts this year.

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